Lab 1 Evaluation 1 Fall 2019

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PLEASE DO the following exercises... >>>>>

Part 1

1. The Russian Alphabet (Part 1)
2. Ex 1-1 Interview 1 (Translate the dialog into Spanish)
3. Ex 1-1 Interview 2 (Write the dialog in Russian)

Part 2

Textbook Audio:
Ex. 1-10
(Listen/ Repeat and write into Russian Dictation 1)
Ex. 1-13 Write the sentences in Russian
Ex. 1-22 Write the Dictation 2
Ex. 1-31 Write in Spanish what you understood about the text.
Ex. 1-36 Write the Dictation 3


Part 3

Work on CH 1 Flashcards

Part 4

Workbook/ Homework
Ex 1-2
Ex. 1-4 (please record your own audio and send it to the instructor)
Ex. 1-9 (please record your own audio and send it to the instructor)
Ex. 1-10
Ex. 1-13 (please record your own audio and send it to the instructor)

Part 5

Watch Supplementary video at the bottom of Chapter 1.


Thank you for your time.
Please take the screenshots of your notes,
and send it to the instructor on WhatsApp as a personal message.
Also please record your audios and send them to the instructor as well.

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